On Dragon's Dogma 2 Being Review Bombed
I’m Glad It’s Happening Discussing Microtransactions and Corporate Greed And before you decide it’s time to legalize witch hunting to hunt me and burn me and my house down, let me defend my case. Before anything, I want to say that I was VERY excited about Dragon’s Dogma 2. I was yapping at my friends every time I had a chance about how I believed Dragon’s Dogma 2 was going to be a GOTY contender. I mean, Dragon’s Dogma 1, with its problems and all, was a fantastic game, and everything shown about its sequel was pointing out to be just a greater, more polished version of the first game. And I was all for it. I wanted more than anyone for this game to be good. And even though I haven’t played it, based on what I’ve seen and analyzed, I still think the game is really good. (ignoring performance issues, of course — Which I hope will be patched soon enough). But Capcom had to go and ruin everything with its microtransactions. And for those thinking it’s not that big of a deal,...